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Cult Of Luna – Salvation

Com uma década de lançamento completada em outubro último, “Salvation” é o terceiro disco dos suecos do Cult Of Luna e um dos maiores testamentos da fusão entre o sludge metal e o post rock. Sem dúvida um belíssimo disco para retomar a seção “Clássicos Recentes”.

A própria banda escreveu em seu facebook:

I was informed that this weekend held the 10-year anniversary of the release of our third album ”Salvation”. Not sure if it is 100% correct or not but it was released in 2004 so the year is right anyway.The third album is said to be the hardest one to write. On the first you just record all the songs you have, on the second you already have momentum and continue in the same manner but on the third is where you need to make some difficult creative decisions.I could make it easy on myself and say that everything we have done has been for the sake of ourselves without a though of how our audience would react but that would be a lie. In most creative people, no matter how confident they might look on the outside, lies the fear of rejection and that has been an ongoing theme from Salvation and onward. The first two albums were written before we even thought we would be able to play outside of Sweden. There was no labels involved, no “fans” to speak of, no pressure at all.When we recorded The beyond we used every second in the studio to make as powerful sound as possible with 5-8 guitar tracks with every amp possible to totally fill all frequencies.With Salvation we searched for a different kind of power only created by the instruments we wrote the songs with and tried out stuff that would not be possible on the first two albums. There had been much turbulence in the band and in my personal life and I think it put me and the rest of the guys in a situation that was perfect at that time.I was sitting alone in an apartment for two and from nowhere came the opening riff for Leave me here and I remember thinking; “it’s going to be alright” and I am happy it did.What will happen in the future is hard to say at the time. Don’t expect too much, or anything, of us.So thank you all for the last 10 years, we’ll see you around.
– Johannes



Jornalista investigativo, crítico, pesquisador e escritor. Publico sobre música e cultura desde 2003. Fundei a Movin' Up em 2008. Escrevi 3 livros de contos, crônicas e poemas. Venci o Prêmio de Excelência Jornalística (2019) da Sociedade Interamericana de Imprensa na categoria “Opinião” com ensaio sobre Roger Waters e o "duplipensar brasileiro" na Movin' Up.

Published in Clássicos Recentes