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Clássicos Recentes: Ulver – Shadows Of The Sun

Album: Shadows Of The Sun [2007]
Ambient, Experimental, Avant-Garde, Atmospheric, Dark Ambient, Electronic

1. “Eos” — [0:00 – 5:05]
2. “All the Love” — [5:05 – 8:48]
3. “Like Music” — [8:48 – 12:18]
4. “Vigil” — [12:18 – 16:46]
5. “Shadows of the Sun” — [16:46 – 21:22]
6. “Let the Children Go” — [21:22 – 25:12]
7. “Solitude” — [25:12 – 29:06]
8. “Funebre” — [29:06 – 33:33]
9. “What Happened?” — [33:33 – 39:58]

Shadows of the Sun is the seventh studio album by the Norwegian experimental band Ulver, released on October 1, 2007 in Europe and on October 2 in the United States. The title was announced on July 13, 2007 and the album was described as “low-key, dark and tragic”. Shadows of the Sun received generally positive reviews by critics, and in February 2008 the album won the Oslo Awards for album of the year 2007. The album was also voted best album of 2007 at the website Sonic Frontiers.


Jornalista investigativo, crítico, pesquisador e escritor. Publico sobre música e cultura desde 2003. Fundei a Movin' Up em 2008. Escrevi 3 livros de contos, crônicas e poemas. Venci o Prêmio de Excelência Jornalística (2019) da Sociedade Interamericana de Imprensa na categoria “Opinião” com ensaio sobre Roger Waters e o "duplipensar brasileiro" na Movin' Up.

Published in Clássicos Recentes